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INDIAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH STUDIES - Volume 6 Issue 1, January 24

Pages: 49-76
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Factors Influencing Facemask and Hand Sanitizer use During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Odisha

Author: Prasanta Patri, Dr. Shiba Shankar Pattayat, SK Niyaj Mohammed, Dr. Rajesh Barik

Category: Health Studies


This study endeavours to find out the various factors that determine the usage of facemasks and hand sanitizer among the rural people of Odisha (India) during the COVID-19 pandemic time. The study is based on a primary survey. In total, the study has collected 360 individual samples from three districts of Odisha. Additionally, the study applies a logistic regression model to empirically measure the impact of various socio-economic factors on the usage of facemasks and hand sanitizer. The major findings of the study depict that both behavioural and socio-economic factors are impacting the usage of facemasks and hand sanitizer among the people of rural Odisha. Some behavioural factors, such as “thinking of not being required," "no COVID patients in our areas”, and “feeling suffocation,” are highly restricting rural people from using facemasks. Similarly, some socio-economic factors like “being a male member, young age group, being unmarried, education level, joint family, having children under 5, pucca house, working in private or government organisations, and high income” are positively influencing the usage of facemasks and hand sanitizer among the rural people of Odisha.

Keywords: Facemask, hand sanitizer, COVID-19, logistic regression model, rural Odisha

DOI: 10.56490/IJHS.2024.6103