INDIAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH STUDIES - Volume 1 Issue 1, July 2019
Pages: 09-10
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Author: Meena Hariharan
Category: Health Studies
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Warm greetings to all the readers. It gives me immense pleasure in launching the first edition of the Indian Journal of Health Studies published by the Association of Health Psychologists (AHP). This issue 1, volume 1 launched in the month of April 2019, brings you valuable inputs from senior scholars from the disciplines of Psychology, Medical Science and Policy Studies. The objective of the journal is to bring a convergence of wisdom from various fields of health such as Health Psychology, Medical Science (and its specialized branches), Medical Sociology, Medical Anthropology, Policy Studies, Nursing Sciences, Ayurveda, Unani, and other allied fields in the area of Health, both from the East and the West. India treasures valuable knowledge in the area of health, a large portion of which unfortunately has been put in cold storage owing to long years of colonial rule. Indian Medical practice has always advocated biopsychosocial approach for diagnosis, treatment, prevention, protection, and palliation. While Western practices can be applauded for adoption of rigorous scientific approach, facilitating replication and generalization, the Indian approach has to be highlighted for sustaining the unique constitutional features of individuals, though it sets limitations to replication and generalization. There is a need to identify the best features of both and evolve an approach that optimizes individual wellness. The articles in this issue feature characteristics of these two approaches. They highlight the significant individual experience—be it happiness or illness. Here is an attempt to converge the highly scientific aspects of Neuropsychology to the experience of Happiness. Further, the article on Health Policy in India provides an overview of various attempts by the Government of India, and the gaps in the policies to be addressed to optimize the outcome. The article on Communicating Bad News speaks about the role of health professionals in taking a psychosocial approach towards minimizing trauma and sustaining wellness to the optimum extent. Thus, the first issue covers the entire spectrum of stockholders and stakeholders of health by bringing the factors related to patients, health care professionals and policy makers into the arena