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INDIAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH STUDIES - Volume 4 Issue 2, July.2022

Pages: 03-31

Date of Publication: 31-Jul-2022

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Pandemic Implications on Health – An Indian Perspective

Author: Ashok H.S, Sindhuja C.V, Gowrisha

Category: Health Studies


The paper is aimed at understanding the impact of Covid on Healthcare. Using the key informant method, healthcare experts' views were obtained and reviewed. The result of the study indicates the need for strengthening Manpower, promoting alternative medical systems, encouraging self-reliance in research and development, digital healthcare, advanced diagnostic support services, and mental health support systems for India. The positive impacts were the expansion of telehealth, remote health care has become a reality, social cohesion, and conscience among people helping to understand the existing gaps in the health care system and recognition of indigenous medical health care. The negative impacts are difficulty in procuring additional manpower, equipment, consumables, and other resources, lack of adequate medical equipment, and differential distribution of services between urban and rural areas. Based on the review suggestion a pandemic preparedness policy framework to deal with the pandemic changes/issues required to be attended to in terms of Quality healthcare, Safety, Infrastructure, and public health, will be proposed. The study also aspires to be of interest to training and developmental organizations, policymakers, and stakeholders of health care institutions to work towards improving the quality of healthcare and enhancing pandemic preparedness.

Keywords: Healthcare, mental health, pandemic preparedness and covid 19 pandemic

DOI: 10.56490/IJHS.2022.4201